The 12 Components to a Balanced Lifestyle

Do you have a balanced lifestyle? Do you feel there are areas that are balanced or imbalanced?

How do we get a balanced lifestyle?

Well, balance is personal. You define balance for yourself. That means you have an opportunity, but also a responsibility when it comes to a balanced lifestyle. You can't look at or compare anyone else to define your own life balance.  

A balanced lifestyle is an important aspect for overall health and wellbeing. Maintaining a healthy balance helps reduce stress and helps prevent burnout as well as contributing to happiness. 

Having awareness of a balanced lifestyle also highlights what areas of your life perhaps need more focus. It can identify certain changes that need to happen within your life too.

The Wheel of Life for a balanced lifestyle

The Wheel of Life is a great tool to use to identify how much of a balanced lifestyle you have. Firstly, being able to identify where you feel you are balanced and imbalanced and secondly, helping to prioritise in order to improve your lifestyle balance.

The Wheel of Life

I cover this with all my coaching clients at the beginning to identify their priorities, balances, and imbalances for their lives to discover which areas need focussing on to create that balanced lifestyle. At the end of the programme, we evaluate where they are and see the differences, changes, and shifts they have made.

Have a look at the areas that I include in the Wheel of Life and mark each between 1-10 (1 being the least balanced and 10 being the most) to see if you currently have a balanced lifestyle. This gives you an idea of where you might like to focus on in terms of changes and transformation. 

  1. Family

  2. Friends

  3. Significant Other

  4. Personal Growth

  5. Social Life

  6. Home Environment 

  7. Career

  8. Money

  9. Health

  10. Physical Activity

  11. Diet/Nutrition

  12. Spirituality 

Perhaps there is one that stands out the most, if this is the case how can you make a change?

If not, can you change your mindset?

Now, these don’t have to be big changes. However, regular, consistent, and repetitive small changes, lead to big changes. 

 They could be as simple as:

  • Going to bed 30 mins earlier

  • Spend more time in nature

  • Making extra food so you have leftovers for lunch

  • Spending 10 mins reading a day

  • Turning your phone off at night

  • Adding an additional workout a week

  • Learning a new subject

  • Starting a new hobby

  • Start meditation every day

  • Spend less time looking at a screen

  • Writing a journal or gratitude list 

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Add 10 minutes a day of mobility 

  • Leaving your desk/ computer at lunch and going for a walk 

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but small lifestyle changes are easier to achieve and maintain contributing to a balanced lifestyle. They are more likely to become habits that can lead you to achieving your longer-term goals. 

If there any change you’d like to make? If so, what can you change today? 

If this has resonated with you and you feel you would benefit from improving balance in some areas of your life, click here to book a coaching consultation to find out how I can help.

Rebecca Brown