The Power in Taking a Break

The power in taking a break…..


Sometimes you need to take a break to move forwards and reconnect. A break creates space. I recently took a break from social media, journaling & meditation – all things I usually love doing and make me feel better.


I felt like I had lost direction and things became a chore, the enjoyment wasn’t there.


Sometimes we need to reconnect and reignite the spark to find our inspiration, motivation so we can realign to our purpose, passion, and creativity.


So what am I sharing this?


There is power within taking a break. There is power in listening to what your body and mind needs. There is power in letting go of what you feel you should & shouldn’t be doing.


Athletes take breaks at the end of their season for a reason. To reflect, recover, reset, recharge to come back stronger.


We can have all the tools in the toolkit, the skills, the self-discipline and everything else but sometimes all that is needed is a little f*ck it moment and go back to just simply being and living as we come into stillness. Let go of the ‘to do’ lists, not be in a routine for a short while and not be pushing constantly towards goals.


In order to reflect, reset, recover and recharge.


So whilst, 99% I encourage meditation, journaling and a routine that suits you, I also encourage you not to fight what doesn’t feel good, not to push through what feels unaligned and to listen to what your mind, body and soul need.


At times your mind, body and soul need discipline, structure, tools and routine – if it feels aligned. Other times your mind, body and soul needs stillness and to retract.


The balance between doing and being. The balance between the masculine and feminine energies which are in all of us.


How you improve, grow, and evolve is by listening to yourself but beyond listening to yourself, trusting yourself.


When we take a break and create space to reflect, recover, reset, and recharge we come back stronger, more resilient, more energised in order to create and thrive.


We live in such an online, fast paced world and social media has simplified and complemented our lives in many ways. Despite its benefits, we cannot ignore how excessive online use can trigger feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

Recognising an unhealthy relationship with social media is important. Engaging with our online platforms in constructive ways and limiting screen time can help us safeguard our mental and emotional wellness.


Social media is a highlight reel and we need to remember we are human. We all experience highs and lows and importantly humans strive for connection with one another.


Approximately 3.96 billion people around the world use social media, spending an average of 144 minutes a day to online engagements. These digital platforms are designed to capture attention, feel gratifying, and keep users engaged.


It’s no wonder that we find ourselves spending more time online than we should. This can take a huge toll on us, eventually becoming detrimental to our physical, mental, emotional and social health, along with our relationships, self-esteem, body image, and quality of sleep.

Benefits of taking a break:

-       Reenergise and reconnect to our purpose and passion

-       Spend quality time with friends and family

-       Reduce mental stress and anxiety

-       Recharge and refocus

-       Calm your central nervous system

-       Improve overall health and wellbeing

-       Encourages us to unplug and be present



The bottom line. Everyone needs a break from time to time, but it can be hard to recognise when it's time to hit pause. If you find yourself feeling a bit off or doing things different than you used to, you may need a break from your daily grind without guilt, judgement or needing to justify or make excuses.


Always remember, this is your journey. Only you know what you need and when.








Rebecca Brown