Top tips to protect your energy and understanding when you might need energy healing/ balancing
We all know how important it is to eat right, exercise, sleep well and have a work/life balance.
One thing we don't often talk about protecting your energy – this can impact you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many of us allow our energy to be swept away by something external.
You can be in the best shape of your life, eat well, sleep well but if something (or someone) is draining you, you're going to feel it. We need to let go of the energy drainers in order to protect ourselves. Energy drainers are those things that we are tolerating, ignoring, or putting up with that are draining us of our precious energy.
Protecting your energy is critical for your overall health and wellbeing as well as your overall happiness.
That job you thought you’d love but the reality is your office is full of gossip and unhealthy work patterns (hello ‘heroic’ non-break taking colleagues). To really be living your best life, you need to know how to protect your energy from negativity like a bad or draining workplace. Protecting your energy is critical not only for your ability to get your work done well, but also for you to be mentally and emotionally capable to be your best in and outside of work.
The news you switch on every morning is filling your mind with subconscious subliminal messages and fear. Stressful news can cause you to experience uncomfortable physical symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, depression, and gut problems. Between mental and physical symptoms, watching too much of the news can cause you to live in a state of constant worry and impending doom.
That relationship (friend or partner) you have been holding onto that is toxic but letting go seems uncomfortable. Often, it’s not a lack of awareness that keeps people stuck in unhealthy relationships; deep down inside there is a voice calling for their attention urging them to face the truth but it’s being buried due to underlying fears, guilt or shame.
We give a lot of ourselves away every day, at work, to our friends, our loved ones. We need to recognise that our needs are just as important as everyone else's. Protect your energy.
Powerful Ways to Protect your energy:
1. Tune into and acknowledge how you're feeling
2. Set boundaries to protect yourself
3. Limit your exposure to negativity
4. Be aware of your triggers
5. Do the things that make you happy
6. Create a safe space – physically and mentally
7. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Spend time with those who make you feel good and energise you
8. Learn to say no to things that don’t make you feel good
9. Trust your gut
10. Bubble and ground yourself
11. Stop giving away your energy
12. Control that ego and avoid comparison to others
13. Connect to nature
14. Meditate and journal
15. Use crystals, palo santo or sage to cleanse and protect your space
16. Have regular reiki/ energy healing
If this resonates and you feel you're energy needs rebalancing click here to book in a consultation call.